Ministries & Offices

Divine Worship and Sacraments

In the Vatican II document "Sacrosanctum Concilium" (The Consitution on the Sacred Liturgy) the Church reminds the faithful of the importance of their presence and participation in the Sacred Mysteries of the Liturgy:

"28 In liturgical celebrations each person, minister or layman, who has an office to perform, should do all of, but only, those parts which pertain to his office by the nature of the rite and the principles of liturgy.

29. Servers, lectors commentators, and members of the choir also exercise a genuine liturgical function. They ought, therefore, to discharge their office with the sincere piety and decorum demanded by so exalted a ministry and rightly expected of them by God's people.

Consequently, they must all be deeply imbued with the spirit of the liturgy, each in his own measure, and they must be trained to perform their functions in a correct and orderly manner"

Because each liturgical ministry requires certain skills and tasks specific to it, the Diocese has put together guidelines to assist both the clergy and the laity in performing these ministries with knowledge and reverence.